Innovation is one of the cornerstones in Domotik, as the passion and care that we put into all our products.

Innovation since, only with the continuous search for new solutions, thanks to the spirit of exploration to new technologies is possible to develop products that really have a meaningful impact on the customer’s everyday life.

High performance, reliability, sustainable energy, but also design and customized solutions,

for us innovating means to reinvent, improve and design new scenarios, this is to give our clients quality products and reliable craftsmanship.

Here some examples of our creations:

  • Ik Smart,the application to control blinds from your smartphone,
  • DK 3DWG radio sensor that detects the intensity of the wind through the vibrations that it produces on the tent,
  • Dk Sun our innovative solar engines, efficiency and sustainability
  • Uniko 8channels a unique design for our powerful handheld radio transmitter

and so much more.